
Meet Charlotte: AW23 Campaign Star


Charlotte Smith, a geospatial data scientist specializing in research on deforestation and degradation in the Amazon rainforest, stands as a remarkable individual deeply committed to the environment as her dedication to preserving nature, and her profound love for the great outdoors never wavers. Hailing from Oxfordshire, had a childhood immersed in the natural beauty of her surroundings. Growing up amidst picturesque landscapes, she developed an enduring connection to nature that would shape her life’s trajectory. This innate bond with the environment became the driving force behind her lifelong passion.

A Natural Path

Charlotte's journey towards becoming a geospatial data scientist with a focus on the Amazon rainforest was, in many ways, a natural progression. Her upbringing, rooted in a deep appreciation for the outdoors, guided her choices. Her academic pursuits took her through university and culminated in a Ph.D., leading her to a fulfilling career dedicated to studying and preserving the Amazon—a vital global ecosystem.

A Week in the Lake District

Charlotte's unwavering love for the outdoors was vividly demonstrated during her recent escapade in the Lake District for our Autumn Winter 2023 shoot. The picturesque beauty of Buttermere and the thrill of playing in the snow brought her immense joy. Unfazed by challenging weather conditions, she embraced the rugged environment, relishing every moment.

The Perfect Outdoor Gear

When it comes to selecting outdoor gear, Charlotte has a clear set of priorities. Functionality is paramount, especially in the wet climate of the UK, so waterproof items are a must. In addition, she seeks gear with accessible pockets that won't get entangled in bike straps. Her preference for vibrant colors reflects her personality, and a flattering cut is essential. However, her commitment to the environment is evident in her choice of sustainable products that are designed to last, with a focus on ethical production practices and carbon offsetting.

The Empowerment of the Outdoors

In recent years, the great outdoors has become an integral part of Charlotte's life. It offers her a unique sense of freedom and independence that few other pursuits can match. While she enjoys the company of friends during outdoor adventures, there's something empowering about solo hikes in the hills. These solitary experiences allow her to reflect on her achievements, from conquering mountains to covering vast distances—a sense of accomplishment that outdoor enthusiasts can truly appreciate.


Promoting Diversity in the Outdoors

As a woman who frequently ventures into the outdoors, Charlotte acknowledges the underrepresentation of women in this realm. It's not uncommon for her to encounter just a handful of fellow female adventurers during her journeys. She encourages more girls and women to get involved in outdoor activities, as she firmly believes that it has played a significant role in boosting her confidence and fostering personal growth.

Benefits for Mental Health:

Charlotte finds solace and mental clarity in the outdoors. Whether it's been a challenging day or week, a hike or a leisurely stroll outdoors acts as a powerful remedy. The calming and grounding effects of nature help reduce anxiety and stress. Charlotte attests that even a short outdoor excursion can realign her thoughts and restore her mental well-being, highlighting the therapeutic value of nature in her life.


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