When you place an order, we will inform you which delivery services are available. Whilst we make every effort to deliver goods on the day we specify, we cannot guarantee delivery on that day or accept liability for deliveries made outside of this timescale. We cannot accept any liability for out of pocket expenses or other costs incurred due to failed or delayed deliveries.
Some postal addresses in Northern Ireland, some off-shore islands and remote areas of Great Britain may not be covered by some or all of these services and we may not be able to arrange delivery of some items to such addresses.
If you have any queries please contact the Customer Service team here .
All items are subject to stock availability. If we cannot supply goods within our specified time-scale we will continue to deliver and inform you of any delay. In requesting delivery of a product, you will be agreeing that the delivery company has the right to go onto the property and, if no one is available to receive delivery, to leave the goods in any unlocked location at the delivery address. They will endeavour to ensure that any such location is dry and out of general sight.
Please note that we do not deliver to BFPO and PO Box addresses.